New Group Members

Since the beginning of the academic year, two new members have joined the group: Dr. Yanxi Zhang and Ms. Imke Krauhausen. Welcome to both! For more details about their respective backgrounds and research interests, see the people section.

E-MRS Symposium on Neuro-inspired information processing

Together with Paschalis Gkoupidenis from the Max Planck institute in Mainz, we are organising a symposium at EMRS Spring Meeting in Strasbourg 2020, covering neuromorphic engineering and devices, all the way to bio-inspired sensing and bioelectronics. The symposium has a great line-up of confirmed speakers. For more details see:

Festival della Scienza Italia

Together with Francesca Santoro, Yoeri van de Burgt gave a lecture in Genova for the Festival of Science (Festival della Scienza). This festival is open to the public and topics vary from planets and astronomy to artificial intelligence and brain-machine interfacing, which was also the topic of their talk.

Measuring extremely efficient Quantum Dots | Now out in Science Magazine

Our latest work together with prof. Salleo (Stanford) and prof. Alivisatos (UC Berkeley) on ultra-bright quantum dots is now published in Science Magazine (link). In this work, we have focused on how efficiently quantum dots reemit the light they absorb. While previous attempts to figure out quantum dot efficiency hinted at high performance, we have developed a new measurement technique to confidently show they could even compete with, expensive, single crystal materials. The measurement is based on checking for excess Read more…

Improving the stability of organic redox neuromorphic devices

In this paper, the mechanisms for stability in ENODe devices are investigated. In this work the mechanisms leading to state loss and cycling instability in redox-gated neuromorphic devices are revealed: parasitic redox reactions and out-diffusion of reducing additives. The results of this study are used to design an encapsulation structure which shows an order of magnitude improvement in state retention and cycling stability.

ERC Starting Grant Awarded

I am very grateful to the European Research Council and its panel committee to have awarded me with a Starting Grant for 5 years to pursue research on: BIOMORPHIC: Brain-Inspired Organic Modular Lab-on-a-Chip for Cell Classification In this research we will develop a unique brain-inspired organic lab-on-a-chip in which microfluidics integrated with sensors, collecting characteristics of biological cells, to serve as input to a neuromorphic array. BIOMORPHIC will combine modular microfluidics and machine-learning to develop a novel platform for low-cost Read more…