Artificial synapses in the media

Last month our paper on organic artificial synapses came out in Nature Materials. This was a very exciting moment for us: finally the work was published and we could hear what others think about this new and exciting addition to the field of neuromorphics.   In fact, one of the first comments was a news and view written by prof. Yoshua Yang (link). He wrote a great summary and explanation of our device, capturing the essence on which our claim to innovation and novelty Read more…

Travel grant

I am grateful to have won the: Young scientist travel grant of the 4TU Research Centre Fluid & Solid Mechanics (FSM) This grant enables me to spend 3 months in the lab of prof. George Malliaras at the University of Cambridge in the UK.

Nobel prize in Chemistry goes to research in Nanomachines (part of it done in Groningen)

This year’s Nobel prize in Chemistry goes to Jean-Pierre Sauvage, at the University of Strasbourg in France; Fraser Stoddart, at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois; and Ben Feringa, at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands for their work on nanomachines, tiny molecular motors, chains and pumps. Ben Feringa even made a “race car” as shown in this small video. from T. Kudernac et al Nature 479 208-211 (2011)

Postdoc Appreciation Week

This week is national postdoc appreciation week. Since about 6 months I am a council member of the Stanford University Postdoctoral Association (SURPAS) so naturally more involved in the events this week. SURPAS organizes many social events to get people more aware of what postdocs actually contribute to the research and education of a university. Some postdocs feel they are not fully acknowledged for the amount of work they do and many struggle to get the most out of it. Read more…