Pei won the NOD 2024 best presentation award
Pei won the best contributed presentation awarded by IOP Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering!
Pei won the best contributed presentation awarded by IOP Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering!
In Davos, Switzerland, Yoeri was awarded the iCANx Young Scientist Award at the first annual iCANx meeting.
During the TU/e Research day on June 13, Eveline was nominated for the best thesis. Find out more: TU/e Research Day 2024
Bob Huisman won the public award for the MaTe poster prize on Friday!
Yoeri was awarded the ERC Consolidator Grant for the project NEURO-LABS.
On June 8th Yoeri was awarded with the TU/e Groundbreaking Researcher award. This awards comes with 15.000 euro to be spend on research and the group.
Imke won the best poster prize awarded by IOP Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering at the Neuromorphic Organic Devices workshop in Dresden Germany!
On May 25th Eveline van Doremaele successfully defended her PhD thesis for an international committee comprising: Yoeri and Jaap as her promoters, George Malliaras from Cambridge University, Jonathan Rivnay from Northwestern University, Francesca Santoro from RWTH Aachen, Simone Fabiano from Linkoping University and Bert Meijer from TU/e.