Speaking at PechaKucha

It was a great pleasure as well as somewhat of a challenge to speak at the PechaKucha evening #28 at the Temporary Art Centre in Eindhoven (PechaKucha). Invited to present my research in 20 slides that each take exactly 20 seconds for a non-scientific audience was difficult but definitely rewarding.

Scientific Advisory Panel Groningen Center for Cognitive Systems and Materials

The Groningen Center for Cognitive Systems and Materials is a multidisciplinary research center with a mission is to develop materials-centred systems paradigms for cognitive computing based on modelling and learning at all levels: from materials that can learn to devices, circuits and algorithms. Prof. van de Burgt has been invited to serve on the scientific advisory board. We look forward to many new collaborations!

Visiting Professor at the University of Cambridge

From this September prof van de Burgt will be working at the Engineering department of the University of Cambridge together with prof. George Malliaras. We will be working together on new ideas in organic neuromorphics, as well as applied bioelectronics. The state-of-the-art facilities of this university will certainly not be a bottleneck. We are very grateful for this opportunity, provided by a 4TU Research Centre Fluid & Solid Mechanics (FSM) travel grant.  

Quoted in Scientific American

This week Scientific American published an article on an EU Horizon 2020 project that involved the development of a smart camera in cars, based on artificial intelligence. What is great about this work is that the AI of this camera is based on an actual array with memristors, in contrast to an artificial neural network (ANN), which is basically a simulated neural network somewhere on a supercomputer. It is great to see applications rapidly emerging for this new field of neuromorphics and I was Read more…